//Monday, January 16, 2006

// Fast Food January

I have presented myself with a challenge... A challenge so dangerous to me I'm surprised I have even survived. I will not be going to any fast food joint for all of January, and parts of February. I made this decision early January, I can't remember exactly when, but the first two days were filled with fast food. Well, January 1st I went to White Spot triple O, because I was desperately hungry, and the 2nd was KFC for my grandma, so I really had no choice there! Anywho, point is, I haven't had a bight to eat since. I have developed three rules for myself.

1) I may not purchase any type of food from any type of fast food restaurant, including fries, apple pies, ice cream you name it. The only exceptions are drinks (unless specialty drinks. exp. Starbucks, orange Julies)

2) The only time I am allowed to eat any kind of fast food is if somebody else purchases food for me!

3) I am allowed to eat at any regular restaurants, such as Milestones, The Cactus Club, White Spot, ect.

So far I have taken advantage of people buying me food, such as Jean buying me Chinese and Nicole buying me timbits and an Ice Caped! I have gone out to White Spot and the spaghetti factory this month as well. This is not a New Years Resolution, just a promise for myself. If you think I'm trying to lose weight... You're wrong! Losing weight in this process will be a perk, however, it's money I'm concerned about. I'm trying to not spend so much money on food, and I am doing well! I also am trying to go to the Gym more often, which hasn't been working out too well, but hopefully I'll pick up the pace.

Let's hear it for extra money!


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