//Tuesday, September 27, 2005

// When You Look At The World

What is it that you see?

// Generation Enlightenment

"It is said that history has a tendency to repeat itself. This is evident when looking at the patterns of major political and social events that have taken place throughout history. An excellent example of this is the Enlightenment, which has transcended generations and is still alive and well today. Similarly, there is a present-day movement among youth and in popular culture. Whereas in the 18th century the Enlightenment meant pursuing science, reason and progress, today's young adults are chasing social change and responsibility. And although things have changed between the 18th century and the present, the effects of a movement such as the Enlightenment are still very much the same.

Youth is a time of discovery and realization, wherein each individual begins to establish a unique set of beliefs and values; it is a time of curiosity and exploration. Students in today's world are maturing at an earlier age, resulting in a more informed and confident teenage population. Their opinions about issues ranging from politics to fashion, and everywhere in between have become more assertive than ever before and there is a universal initiative, a restlessness and eagerness to change the world for the better, however cliche that may seem.

In the 18th century, Enlightenment thinkers became more aware of their surroundings and began to question the Church, reasoning that there were foundations other than religion on which to base knowledge. Likewise, today's youth are beginning to question the circumstances that surround a variety of issues, such as fair trade, animal rights, and politics, searching for alternative solutions to these problems. Youth have begun to analyze our world and are working to change it; even elementary schools host fundraisers throughout the year to benefit various causes. Here, we see that both the Enlightenment thinkers, in their time, and the youth of today have been working on parallel projects with similar goals. Both have slowly drifted away from what had been traditionally accepted, religiously taught, and strictly enforced, shifting towards new ideas, reason, and scientific solutions.

But time does not last forever. Each child grows up and, eventually, old. This is not to say that their efforts are wasted; as our parents have left us their legacy, it is up to us to leave our own legacy. As well, Enlightenment thinkers of the 18th century wrote many essays and books about their pursuit of reason in order to communicate to the next generation what had been learned. The progress gained serves as a foundation for the next generation to build upon. The present day equivalent of the Enlightenment is, in theory, a continuous movement. So long as there is no generation gap, the effect of this contemporary Enlightenment should last for decades, even centuries.

The Enlightenment is a living experience, not bound by antiquity. It repeats itself throughout history, with each new generation that comes into the world. In a way, every generation experiences its own 'Enlightenment'. This then becomes a process that progresses with each generation it encounters. Perhaps the best way to grasp our future is by looking into our past. By learning from history, we are able to not only avoid our past mistakes, but also to select the methods that have worked successfully and to apply them to our present and future. As such, the Enlightenment has proven itself to be very much alive and it continues to immerse itself in our youth and our culture."

And that's my first university paper. 500 words on how the Enlightenment engages an experience from contemporary culture(s). Dudes and dudettes, if you read that and didn't have a clue what I was saying... that's okay. I didn't either. It was 2 AM. Hopefully, my TA will be able to make sense of it.

//Monday, September 26, 2005

// Africa Set Free

I read this on U2's website. There is no more debt for all the African Countries?

Right on, that's amazing. I hope that is great news for Kelsey too!

//Sunday, September 25, 2005

// Phase One is in progress.

I guess I didn't realize how much I'd changed in the past two years. Living life everyday, it's such a gradual transition that it's barely noticeable. You only see change in yourself when you're placed in certain situations or settings at different points in time.

Two years ago at camp, I was such a mad child. Not to brag because I'm not super proud of it, but I was a crazy kid. Always checking out guys, dancing like mad, screaming and behaving however I felt like doing. I'm not saying I drank or smoked up or junk like that. I was just a bit extreme in the way I conducted myself, is all. This year at camp, I was so mellow. I didn't mind not being the centre of attention. Sure, there's the typical Steph things that never go away. Like me clearing out the dance floor to do a line dance for "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy". Or dancing to old school hip hop and getting everyone to join me. But that's a given. Ah ha. But I didn't really want to check out guys or meet everyone and get out there and be known and stuff. I was perfectly content just chatting to old friends and talking about life and thinking about things and whatnot. It was a good weekend for me to reflect. It was then that I realized how much I'd changed. For the better, most of it.

It was the first time I realized how much I really actually love being home.

//Saturday, September 24, 2005

// I Am Still Alive, Are You?

Hi everybody! Many appologies for my lack of posting this week, however, I had finally got my editing system up and running and that took up most of my time.

Lets just say a bit too much time.

I realized it was time for me to post since it was almost an ANTIRE WEEK since I posted and the fact that Stephanie has gone camping, so she won't be posting. So please prove your alive by posting something, like say hi! I'll respond I promise!

I am hoping to get copies of Historymaker: Real and Historymaker: Go out very soon and I can only hope you'll suport me and purchase a DVD! I won't make them incredibly expensive, but I'm trying to cover costs. I have officially named my editing company Elevation Media! My first employee I hired was Stephanie since she is incredible good with graphics and what not, and will be supplying the DVD's with photo albums.

Darcy says he wants a copy of what I do. Does that make me excited!

School is going well, and I have officially applied to work for the Canadian National Railway out of Surrey. If I get the job I start a career sooner then expected, drop out of BCIT and get my dad's money back (which he so desperatly needs), and then hopefully I can suport my dad for a while since he is going through a rough time as well. I think the entire family is going through hard times right now though so a good paying job really would help.

Speaking of money... For Sale!

//Sunday, September 18, 2005

// Pretend dates and pretend third wheels.

Oh gosh. Yesterday night was so chill. It was the typical post-high-school hang night.

Haig and Kevin picked me up at 6ish and we went down to Granville Island in search of dinner and with plans of seeing Sam's play. On the way there, I was rooting through all the junk in Haig's backseat and it was amusing. There was duct tape so that amused me for awhile. And then there was a flute, so I started playing that. It was great. Anyway, we walked around Granville Island for awhile and ended up at a restaurant called Bridges. The waitress was SO funny. She openly insulted Kevin for being a pig. And we got free dessert! I think we amused her just as much.

We got to Sam's play late and because the play's only 15 minutes long, the people at the door weren't letting any latecomers in. Uh, that's dumb. It clearly says in the write-up in the Fringe Guide that the play allows latecomers. Sorry, we still can't let you in. Uh, I don't think you understood me. My friend wrote and and is in the play. Oh! In that case... people these days. Sam's play was funny as HECK. Afterwards, she joined us and we all headed downtown for awhile. Got ourselves some Starbucks and we just hung out, talking. Then we drove Sam back to residence where we chilled with her roommates for awhile. Apparently, one of them thought I was psychic for some reason. HA! That was great.

ANYWAY. I'm excited. I'm going to camp this coming weekend.

// Night Out On The Town

Ladies and Gentleman this is my first official post with my brand new fifteen hundred dollar computer with a 17" LDC Monitor and cordless mouse and keyboard on Wh4tev3r. I've had some fun with the new computer but video editing hit a snag which was a bit of a piss off.
Anywho, exciting news!

Vancouver Canucks vs. Chicago Blackhawks
General Motors Place
Vancouver, BC
October 18, 2005
7:00 PM

Vancouver Canucks vs. Buffalo Sabres
General Motors Place
Vancouver, BC
January 19, 2006
7:00 PM

Vancouver Canucks vs. Nashville Predators
General Motors Place
Vancouver, BC
March 9, 2006
7:00 PM

Vancouver Canucks vs. Minnesota Wild
General Motors Place
Vancouver, BC
March 29, 2006
8:00 PM

Vancouver canoe's vs. San Jose Sharks
General Motors Place
Vancouver, BC
April 12, 2006
7:00 PM

As you can probably assume these are the future games I will be attending with my dad! We got some pretty insane seats too; floor seats to be exact! I have never had floor seats in GM Place period! Why do we spend so much money on events like these? I mean, we can watch the game on TV. I'll never know, but I'll never stop buying canoe's tickets. You just can't beat the atmosphere I guess...

anyway, LWY (life without youth) has had it's up and downs. On Friday I rented Fever Pitch, which by the way a very good movie and I recommend. It was an okay evening but who wants to spend their Friday night all alone? On the other hand, I figure it was better than being at youth thinking the entire time "I don't want to be here." Plus I was a little frustrated due to my computer not being able to edit my videos so I was a little pissed off and being around people may not have been a good idea. Plus I need to get used to not being there as well.

Tonight was good fun. It showed me that I can have fun with others outside of Richmond and not be completely dependent on the people from the church. I hung out with 2 guys from the stadium, Vinay and Amir, and their friend Derek. We had intended to go to the lions game but that plan was cut short due to the fact that they were sold out of cheap tickets. We ended up chilling in downtown and watched Four Brothers and the downtown Famous Players. That was awesome too! That is one insane theatre! The movie was awesome too, I really loved it. We made are treck home and I got a free pack of ice cream sandwiches from Amir! They were cleaning out the stadium, he brought home an entire garbage bag full! Lucky guy...

So the moral of the story? Well, I'm not a complete loaner! Eventually Richmond will become less and less of a concern where I won't have to worry about what I'll do Friday night because all my friends are at church. A promising future? Who knows?

//Friday, September 16, 2005

// "Do you listen to Radiohead?"

I realized, I can't keep living my life the way I do. If I'm gonna live it for God, there's things I gotta change. I mean, these aren't serious things. They're just subtle little things like... Like crushes. I know I'm a bit old to be using that word in any context, but even dating in general. I can't just date whoever I want. He's gotta be Christian and he's gotta fit what God's planned for me. I won't know who he is and even if I do meet him, I won't know that it's him. But even so, I can't really like just anyone, which is kind of sad in a way but hopeful as well. Make sense?

I was on the bus today and the bus went through Kerrisdale and I passed a coffee shop where this guy I used to date works now. I don't really talk to him at all anymore, just the occational "hello" when we run into each other at shows. But it made me miss him. Not just him in particular, but it made me miss all the possibilities that never happened.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, so I'll just leave it at that.

//Wednesday, September 14, 2005

// Horses, Space Shuttles, and Trains; A Must Read

The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches.

That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that the gauge used?

Because that's the way they built them in England, and English expatriates built the US railroads.

Why did "they" use that gauge then?

Because the people who built the tramways used the same jigs and tools that they used for building wagons, which used that wheel spacing.

Okay! Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing?

Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, long distance roads in England, because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts.

So who built those old rutted roads?

Imperial Rome built the first long distance roads n Europe (and in England) for their legions. The roads have been used ever since.

And the ruts in the roads?

Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts, which everyone else had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels. Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome, they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing.

The United States standard railway gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot. And bureaucracies live forever.

So the next time you are handed a specification and wonder what horse's ass came up with it, you may be exactly right, because that Imperial Roman army chariots were made just wide enough to accommodate the back ends of tow war horses.

Now the twist of the story.

When you see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides of the main fuel tank. These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah.

The engineers who designed the SRBs would have preferred to make them a bit fatter, but the SRBs had to be shipped by train from the factory to launch site. The railroad line from the factory happens to run through a tunnel in the mountains. The SRBs had to fit through that tunnel. The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track, as you know, is about as wide as two horses' behinds.

So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguable the world's most advanced transportation system was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a horse's ass.

// This Post Is for Matthew Robson For When He Is Bored and Going Throug The Archives In 9 Months He'll Find This

As the title says, I am posting this for my own good, in a way.

The Vancouver Canadians did loose their final game at Nat Bailey on Monday September 12th. I got there at about 2:15pm after an early dismissal from BCIT. It was a rather fun afternoon as I watched the game with Beer hawkers Earnie, Dave, AJ, and Jamel. In the end, we watched another team win which was no fun, but in a way, I have never gone to a baseball game after school.

I am at BCIT. I know how to connect and disconnect air hoses, put a hand brake on, and change a knuckle.

Well if I'm bored in a couple years I can read up on this.

//Monday, September 12, 2005

// My Goal...

...is to have a short post and get tons of comments on a short post.

//Sunday, September 11, 2005

// That's Game

Tonight the Vancouver Canadians played game 4 of their playoff series. Unfortunately they loss, sending this series with the Spokane Indians to a 2-2 tie and a noon game tomorrow. Due to this incredible stupid decision but the front staff I can not work the last game of the season, which really sucks! I truly love being at Nat Bailey and I can't believe they made a noon game on a Monday!

The funny part is that they are going to be incredibly short staffed. With everyone in school they will have only 4 people in concessions. Let me tell you it takes more than 4 people to run concessions. I almost wish I could be there to watch them burn! Hopefully I can catch the end of the game tomorrow on the way home from school.

This marked my fourth season with everyone and I must say it was probably one of my best. The year of Mario, record amount of hawkers being fired, being on the radio, going up on the media booth... So much fun this year. The hawkers were good fun and I kept on getting $100 bonuses for my first couple pay cheques. I never figured out why, but I never asked questions.

Another year, hopefully more to come.

// Let's make cookies.

You know how when you like someone, you just kind of hang around to see if something might happen? And when you realize it probably won't work out, you space yourself from that person, just so you don't get caught up and get all upset, right? (At least, that's what I do.) But anyway, I was doing alright. And then I ran into him again yesterday night at the Weakerthans' show. Oh dear.

Knees weak? Yep. But sometimes, it's kinda fun.

//Friday, September 09, 2005

// I Hate You All!

Maybe it is because I have been driving more or maybe it is because of the lack of sleep I normally have. Nevertheless, I am really starting to hate other drivers with a passion! I thought that it was just me at first but no! There everywhere! It's not just stupid drivers! It's stupid pedestrians too! An Asian lady I walking across the street (no cross walk) and then steps out in front of me only to realize "oh wait, there's a car coming" and then gives me a weird look! Are people stupid or something? Geez, they walk just like they drive!

If people just drove like me life would be so much better!

//Wednesday, September 07, 2005

// I am UBC.

Yesterday was one heck of a day. I woke up early and got to the bus stop in time to catch the 480. Matt Force, Jin and Olena were at the bus stop so I was chatting with them a bit. Olena and I stood the whole time on the bus and man, that bus is crowded. I gotta find a better way to bus to school. Then I had to walk a bit to find my meeting place for Imagine UBC. It's UBC's first day orientation program, mandatory for all first years. It's apparently the biggest event of its kind in Canada. Wow.

Anyway, my MUG leader (MUG = My Undergraduate Group) was a girl named Tia from Sydney, BC (on the island, not the Australian one) and she's super rad. She actually knew a couple people that I used to camp with! Anyway, we had our morning tour which ended at the Chan Centre. There, all the Arts students sat in for a presentation by Dr. Nancy Gallini (our dean) and Dave Classen (president of the Arts Undergraduate Society). It was great! Then we went to a student success workshop, which was really more of a Q&A with the profs in the Foundations program.

Finally! We went to the pep rally! Imagine a university sized gym, filled with students all over the bleachers and the floor. It was crazy! So loud! And so much yelling! Each faculty has their own cheer and ours is something like, "We're loud! We're proud! We take up half the crowd! Bigger is better! Arts kicks ass!" It was funny. Forestry's cheer goes long the lines of... "Wood is good." HAHA. Apparently, Foresty, Engineering, and Science faculties are mortal enemies of the Arts faculties and it's been that way for years!

After Imagine UBC was done, I cruised around campus for a while by myself, just trying to get familiar with the buildings and whatnot. SO MANY PEOPLE. Crazy! Then I ran into Emily and Curtis so I hung out with them for awhile. We played DDR in the SUB arcade to kill time! I got owned. Ouch. Anyway, I got Subway for dinner and then found Sam. We went to the UBC Improv show in the evening and oh my word. FUNNIEST STUFF I'VE SEEN IN SUCH A LONG TIME. "You ever love a woman, Cigarette Pack?" "You'll be my whale wife? For and entire whale's life?" Oh DEAR! There was one game they played where there were three improvisors and each of them had a different character/personality/illness and someone has to guess what the three of them are, so Sam and I were yelling out the greatest things. They took two of our suggestions for the three! I yelled that one guy should be Oprah and Sam yelled that this other girl should be addicted to soap operas. It was great. I am SO joining the UBC Improv Team.

Afterwards, Sam and I walked back to the SUB and the bus loop with a couple other people from her residence. They are SO funny. This guy Travis was telling all these jokes about Michael Jackson and gosh. He's hilarious. Then I ended up meeting with Curtis, Matt, Megan, and Shaunacey to bus back to Richmond together. Hurrah for not getting stuck alone!

All in all, it was a great day. I'm still a bit intimidated by the sheer size of the campus and classes but really. I love it. I love crowds. I love being busy. I love noise and being in the city and having things going on everywhere. It's great! I was surprised at how busy the campus was. I mean, I knew it was going to be busy, but I mean, it is BUSY. You guys gotta come see it. It's intense.

It just feels so good. I was sitting in the pep rally and the President of UBC was talking. She was saying how she knows every student is probably going through a million doubts but she reassured us that we made the right choice, that we belong at UBC. And it feels good. I mean, I've only had one official day of classes and one day of orientation, but I feel at home already.

// I am at School!

It seems as though I am the first to post at a post secondary institution! Not that I blame Stephanie since she is going to UBC! Let's give her a hand for such a great accomplishment! I never did say good job to Stephanie, did I? Well if I didn't, Good job Miss Ip!

I am at the Great Northern Way Campus where they only teach trades and apprenticeships, so it is a rather small campus with not a large amount of activity going on. It has a little area for the students to relax and hang out, where I was this moring before class! I felt so cool! Yea, I'm a hard core college guy. We have a cafeteria as well that I have not checked out all that much, but I see it has a balconay! Even though it is a small campus, I still get lost easily! I am in the computer lab right now and I am posting because I just completed a keyboarding test. I took my time in preparing for it since my average is about 30wpm and that is passing grade. I really want to do well so I buckled down and started to prepare! Turned out it wasn't all that hard and I got %100! So I don't even have to go to keyboarding anymore! Apperently I don't miss much so I have to see in the coming time. I am in the computer lab right now because I don't have much to do...

They have 3 freight cars for us! Muhahaha! Freight cars!

So far the teachers have been great. I believe I have met all of them now since one of them introduced themselves to me this morning. In total I have 4 teachers? 5? I am not sure still but I'll figure it out by next week! I am still not sure what to do for text books but hopefully that will work out. Parking is no longer a problem because I will just park out on the street for free.

Everything seems to be working out well. This place has a very nice warm feeling. I only can hope the class gets to know each other more so I can have even more fun. I hope the year just gets better and better! I even got a new email adress! mrobson18@my.bcit.ca Email me for the heck of it! It's just so exciting!

Some say wha, others say WHA-HOO!

//Tuesday, September 06, 2005

// Matty and The Radio

...and we're not talking to Fred Junior

All the beer hawkers starting yelling at Rob to let me speak...

Allright, Fred Junior Junior Junior Junior, you are the guy who sells candy and food, how were the fans reacting to that?

Well they were great tonight, they were very eneregetic and it was a great night for peanuts, it must have been a record night...

...yes and we all know how much you love nuts...

That was my web broadcast appearance! Some say wha, others say WHO-HOO!

//Monday, September 05, 2005

// The Dawn of a New Era

Tomorrow I start going to BCIT. Tomorrow Stephanie starts going to UBC. Already MSN names are stating that they have 'moved to Toronto' or they are 'here at UVIC' and so on and so on.

Things are changing quick, and to be honest I am a little scared. I am excited as well... I've been going around saying I am a college student so that's fun! I am still very nervous... the biggest worry is parking so far... otherwise I am ready! I hope!

Wish us all luck everyone!

// Typical.

You know it's the beginning of a new school year when you wake up to yelling and you're in tears.

In other news, I want to move out. No surprise there.

// I fell asleep on the bus today.

The clouds have parted and the sun shines down on Vancouver and its public transit system. That is, until it starts raining. Dammit.

//Sunday, September 04, 2005

// Damn Sleep

I officially hate all-nighters now. I am WIDE AWAKE and I have work in the morning. This is not working out well. I am eating blueberry pie at 2 in the moring! That aint right.

//Saturday, September 03, 2005

// 12 Hour Sleep

So we had an all-nighter at youth last night which, in my opinion, was not very good. We played a game called sardines and Mike and I found the Nintendo room in the daycare and ended up playing that for a couple hours while nobody even noticed, since we had the door closed and lights off. That was pretty cool! Another thing that was cool is I watched episode 4 of Star Wars and then lost interest in 5 and finished episode 6. That was great, I know the star wars saga now!

Thanks to my great friend Stephanie Ip, and a twenty dollar gift card for future shop from Amrit for my birthday, I added on three new U2 cd's to my collection. I know have 8 U2 cd's and I only need 6 more to have them all. Looks like all my friends will have to be getting me Barenaked Lady cd's for Christmas!!

// Achtung Baby// November 1991
// The Unforgettable Fire// October 1984
// Boy// October 1980

I have officially started driving FJ, which is sweet. A nice 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier is a privaledge to have if you ask me! I am very thankful. Joel and Shaun attempted to fix my subs last night but it did not work out very well unfortunately. Joel and I are going to have are hands full Monday!

Anywho, I'm going out for a movie at Kasi's with the gang so I must be off! Good night!

//Friday, September 02, 2005

// Today

So I've had some pretty crazy interesting things happen to me in the past couple days so lets start... I'm really sleepy right now so I may not be able to get to the part where she took off...

//Thursday, September 01, 2005

// You have a face for radio.

I talked so much,
I'm sure I didn't realize I'd gone crazy.
Didn't catch my bloody nose,
Or that my heart tried to explode.
I still live with my high school friends;
Some people never change at all.
We're still the same impulsive drunks
We were when we were small.
Someone get this man to a hospital!

I am in such a whirlwind. I just got back from Oregon tonight and tonight is honestly one of the rare trips where I was truly homesick for my own bed. I have missed the organized mess that is my room, the assurance that there is always shampoo in the bottle, and the constant supply of snacks and junk food in the fridge. I did enjoy the time away, though. It was good to get away a bit, just to hang with family and the like. I did a lot of shopping and we all know that this is good. I was even content with NOT listening to music and just watching as my dad drove. It was calming.

But now, I am ready! There a million things that must be done before school starts and I am excited to tackle them all! Trips to the UBC bookstore, staying up all night with the Youth, helping Sam move into Residence, and so much more. Oh dear. WILL I BE ABLE TO COMPLETE IT ALL? I have learned to say, "Yes! I will!" I find that in the most hurried of times, God helps me to find the eye of the storm. I am a visual learner and a worker who thrives under pressure, so this should be a piece of cake. I hope.

I FOUND ARGYLE SHOELACES! IT WAS LIKE CHRISTMAS MORNING! (But not as good. But almost. But not really.)