//Monday, January 29, 2007

// Guarantee Minimum

Here's the deal. I got to go poo! It's almost time to go to work so I'll post another day this week! It's going to be a crazy week and I want to post about to know how crazy it is! It's a good crazy though... I like the good crazy. It does drive you bad crazy if you can't handle it though.

Anyhoo, I'm real sleepy but i'm going to work! Not good! Have a goodnight!

//Wednesday, January 24, 2007

// 10:52!


//Thursday, January 18, 2007

// When It Rains, It Poors

What's that throbbing pain in my head? Oh yes, I believe that's my brain thinking again!

Well ontop of constant headache's that I have been having from just waking up, today I had a real good one, and it has just disappeared! At work we had rules for 7.5 hours, which involved three long tests, and this time they weren't open book. For the first time my rusty ol' brain had to jump into action and actually think for the first time since BCIT... Well, at least my first rules exam when I was first hired on.

I'm not sure if it was just the long exams, powerpoint presentation, or if I was just incredibly hungry, but after the first 4 hours my head was spinning. Honestly, it was throbbing like a mofo. Luckily, I picked up some Jr Cheese Burger Deluxes at Wendys on the drive home, and that seems to have patched things up nicely!

Anyhoo, for the record, I got 96% on the first exam, 95% on the second, and 90% on the third. If you get lower then 90%, you fail. I just lucked out on the last exam! So anyhoo, back to regular work tomorrow! Well, I guess today really!

I've noticed that a few other blogs have made recent posts, such as reba deba's and Kelsey's. Interesting posts to say the least, reba deba goes on about how the unbreakable can break and Kelsey talks about how people in magazines are stupid and make her angry. Other blogs that I would like to see a comeback in are ranDOMinion by the famous Andrew MacG and the short lived Elbow Room by Matt Glynn.

This week marks the return of Davethew and Sam. I was supposed to do breakie with Davethew this morning but he has disappeared off the face of the earth! I really hope he isn't coming home this morning because I'm planning on going to bed in the near future! I hope he does come home soon, just not this morning. Hell, I'll be happy with afternoon!

Sam, on the other hand, has arrived, or so the text message reads. I couldn't really contact him since I was at work doing rules when he text me, but nevertheless, he said he'd be home today. They all left around the same time, and now they're coming back around the same time. Pretty convenient I say!

As reba deba mentioned in the last comment, Davethew and I are starting up a bible study called "Lifesavers" and we really believe its going to be freakin awesome. We're kind of taking the whole bible study thing and stretching it into something more not-so-formal-church-like, if that makes any sense... Yea it doesn't really make sense but you can come check it out.

I was going to ask, whatever happened to go-karting last week? I couldn't show so I never really found out. Andy sent out emails saying that it was going to cost some huge ridiculous price for go-karting, and I was like what?!? I emailed him back telling him that go-kart place needs to get its facts straight, because it says $75 A TEAM! So I hope that's how it worked out. I'm going to try and organize another event anyway, try and get like a guys night out. I know Amrit wanted to try it out, and Sam and Dave are back so I'll figure it out.

On the topic of planning stuff, whatever happened to the Mount Seymour retreat? I was all excited about that! I thought that I'd plan it out and I told Andy and he took it from there and then it was cancelled? I believe it was in March and people didn't want to go because of exams? Maybe this was just me, but I didn't have exams at BCIT until April. Isn't Historymaker only a few weeks a way from High School exams? Anyhoo, just a thought. I'm going to re-kindle the idea and try and build it back up. When I first got people's input they were all supporting it, so anyhoo, I'll see whats up.

Again on the topic of planning things, I was checking out Alberta's YC and it looks pretty dope this year. Mike Pilavachi, Phil Dooley, and Delirous are going to be rockin' up the joint, and since we got a foreign exchange student up in Cgy I thought it might be interesting to FINALLY go check it out. Just tag along with Jam's church and presto! Although that would be quiet the trip, it might be pretty cool!

I do believe that is all for the posting for now since I have put up a fare bit! For now, I think I'll try and find some ice cream and head to bed! Goodnight all!

//Monday, January 15, 2007

// Brain Storming Time

You know how in school you would brain storm and collect a bunch of idea's? Well this is the time!

The question is, why can I not sleep? Well, I can sleep, but I don't sleep well and I wake up and feel even worst! I'm getting sick of it, I wake up feeling really bad. I have no enthusiasm for anything!

Did this happen to you? If it did, help would be nice!

In other news, there is no news...

//Thursday, January 11, 2007

// The Free World

The long overdue first post of 2007 is here. I could have posted earlier but the Christmas season was filled with work, and many other activities that have kept me extremely busy. Had a few unpleasant events over the holidays but now things are doin' alright.

Today I am sick, and I have been all week. By sick I mean I have a cold. Anyhoo, doesn't really help the fact that I have constant headache's and what not.

It has snowed! Snow really isn't much fun to work in. We had max two hours amount of work last night and that turned into five hours. You have to sweep every switch you need to go through. If you don't think that's bad, try shoveling your driveway 15 times. Plus, walking in the snow, very annoying. It's not like we have any foot paths to walk in. It looked like we were the first ones over to some parts of annacis since the snow had fallen so we were walking through fresh snow.

One more thing that has to do with the snow that makes me really mad is the lack of attention Richmond and Burnaby have put in to plowing their roads. Seriously, it really pisses me off!!! Last snow fall I noticed it too, at least for Richmond. I've been driving home through Hwy 91 and cutting over to the Oak Street Bridge on Hwy 99, and the roads are covered in freakin' snow!!! Come on!!! It's a Highway!!! Those are the places where their should be no snow!!! I would hate to see what the rest of Richmond looks like... I mean, Richmond is already full of terrible drivers as it is, but with snow? Whoa... Burnaby is just as bad though. Was driving along Marine Drive to get to work and Marine had no snow on it. As soon as I go over Boundary into Burnaby, the roads were covered with snow.

Anyhoo, there is my rage vent of the new year. I could rage about other stuff, but I have nothing in mind.

2007 isn't really that much different from 2006 yet. I still feel lost, dizzy, and confused for the most part. Other then that, I don't expect much from the first month of the year. February should be awesome though! Vacation?!? Woohoo! I have not had more then 3 days off since June, and I must say, I am truly looking forward to a break. Not just a break from work, but a break from life as I'll be taking off to Hawaii!!!! With Bill, but I think I may have posted about this before. If I haven't, ah well, now you know. I told Bill we must hit a spa! I feel like I'm 46, my back or knees or something is always soar. I don't think that's a good sign!

Anyhoo, before I jet over to Hawaii for 10 days, BNL is coming to town the night before I leave. I got front row seats so I'm looking forward to that too!

It's nice to look forward to things!

Like you imagined when you were young...