//Thursday, January 06, 2005

// Snowball Fight-Tastic Fun.

Right when I get out of the car and about to go into the church, Dyllan pops out of nowhere and screams : ' AHHA BRENDON! ' and nails me with a snowball, and i look behind me and Matt M was there armed with snowballs ready to pummel me. I dash for the door, and close it JUST in time to hear multiple smacks against it. Woah. Man that was intense. After it cooled down, I went outside and the 3 of us wait for Andy to drive up with Sam inside, and right when they come out of the car we all ambush them. Our plan backfired, we didn't know that Sam played baseball, and that Andy playED baseball as a kid. Every single one of their snowballs were going like 40 KM an hour. Yikes. Me and Matt ran, Dyllan got taken down. Ehhe. The surprise party for Bill went off without a hitch! He had no clue! It was a great time, we joked around, and just hung out for a long while + Norman was there, which was a first that I actually talked to him in an actual conversation instead of just in passing. After that pretty much all the youth guys rushed outside to have an enormous snowball fight. Norman even offered to drive one of us in his car to use as a drive by shooting! Hahah, but Nick ended up getting snow in his car, that wasn't cool. After a long time fighting against each other, the youth guys got tired so they decided to find a new target. The elderly. HAH actually not elderly, but Pastor Steve talking to his bunch of aquaintances. Thinking they'd just get mad and yell, we went ahead and threw snowballs at em anyway to find that they were still full of fight. They even ran after us and totally chased all of us away. Fearsome. Anyways it's getting late, and I'm tired, and cold.


Blogger MattyRob said...

Was so stupid! I'm willing to sacrafice myself as a target, and Dyllan nails me! What a piss off...

Nevertheless, I hit pastor steve, and made Dyllan eat snow, TWICE! Made Brendon eat snow too!

8:56 a.m.  

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