//Monday, January 10, 2005

// A Weekend Well Wasted

I'm back in action after a poor Friday and Saturday, but I am back! It all started Friday when I wasn't feeling very great so I decided to take a nap. I said farewell to Kelsey, who I just told I didn't feel like throwing up. At this time, it was 4. When I woke up at 6:30, I threw up, and after that it got worse and well, let's not talk about it... I went to bed at 11:45, after my last time throwing up, and then my sleep from hell came. Every minute I seemed to wake up and this horrible headache seemed to keep me from sleeping. Finally, at 2:30 am, I got up, drank all the ginger ale, took 2 Tylenol, and tried to figure out what I was going to do. I couldn't sleep, so what was I to do at, now, 3am? Well, I got a cold damp face cloth, put it over my head, got a cold cup of water, and watched dodge ball. Creating... Matthew's Headache killing plan! Maybe it was the Tylenol, or lack of sleep, or Ben Stiller's sexy acting, but I went back to bed at 4:30, and was asleep before 5.

I woke up at 10 and the headache was still there, so it was another day inside, so I wouldn't get Saturday for fun either. I used Saturday for recovering and my dad set my G Scale up in the snow! The fresh air seemed to lift the headache and I was back to normal as I went to bed Saturday at 10:30pm

Sunday, after a night of rest, was a day of cleaning. Being sick I felt I shouldn't be obligated to do my chores or clean, but Sunday was different. I spent all day cleaning! Well, there were times where I would slack off, but I cleaned a lot! Then I got to go to Boston Pizza! Yum Yum! I had a Boston Cheese stake sandwich, which is like Beef Dip with more toppings. Note to anyone ever going to Boston Pizza; never get the side salad, its smaller then your fork! I got to the church service at 6:20, very quietly too, I don't think anyone realized I was there! Anywho, I can't remember anything about last night’s service, I wasn't taking anything in, and my brain was turned off. Afterwards, there was a game like no other before...

I, Matthew Robson, was the challenger. I knew my limits, and that I was no where near as good as my opponent, but if the Calgary Flames can make it to the finals, why can't I win? My opponent? Judy Phillips, the owner of the game. What game? Bop It! Not just Bop It, it was Bop It EXTREME!!! EXTREME I TELL YOU!!! After a practice game, I was the loser as predicted. I was tense, worrying about every move, Judy kept her cool. You could slice the tension with a knife. After we went long into the game, longer then I had ever seen before, I started to lose my cool. I was getting slower to every flick, pull, pass, spin, and bop it. I passed it over to Judy and she started, and then the unthinkable. She made a mistake and it was over! I was victorious! I WON! WOW! That was insanely intense. I stayed out of the snow activities of the night which was an excellent choice. I got a ride home, got a blizzard from Dairy Queen, and watched a bit of Men with Brooms. Didn't really like it, BUT! They had O Canada! The one from Historymaker! I've always wanted to get that O Canada version, but never have been able to find it! I went on a frantic search, looking at the soundtrack trying to find the song, but nothing. If anyone finds an O Canada with an electrical guitar, or if you were at Historymaker and know it, sends it to me pleases!

I fixed up a couple things on my resume, said hi to Steph since I've barely seen her lately, or even talked to her, and went for bed. My sleep was not pleasant however, so booo! Oh how my sleep sucked! I'm now back to school, with a longer school week then last week, which is going to kill me because I saw none of my friends barely this weekend! Tear...

Anywho, I'm applying at Rogers Video today after school so please keep me in your prayers! I NEED a job, and Rogers Video would be perfect. Safeway still has potential, I only dropped it off last Monday, so there still could be a chance...

Remember, when life gives you lemons, clone them! And make super lemons!


Blogger Stephanie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! That was so exciting watching you beat Judy at Bop It!. It really was. It was intense watching you guys go back and forth because, like you said, Judy was pretty calm. You were holding your cool pretty well, but here and there, you looked nervous, man! But man, I can't believe Judy lost! AHAHAHAHA! That was awesome.

And I didn't read this post 'till 4:00 PM so I hope it's not still too late to pray for your job! Rogers Video would be AWESOME! Then I wouldn't get harassed for:
a) not having a Rogers member card.
b) not having a credit card in order to get a member card.
c) not be 18 so that I'm not eligible for a member card!
THIS IS SWEET! WE'LL BE ABLE TO GET CHEAPER MOVIE RENTALS!!! REAL MOVIE RENTALS!!! Grrr. Then your next job is to find out who that guy was who harassed me about being 18. Grrrrrrrrrr. But anyway, I'm praying, Matt!

4:09 p.m.  

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