//Friday, May 06, 2005

// Second Show Had Some Flow

I went into Thursday nights show angry, upset, disappointed, discouraged, and tired. To sum things up, I wasn't stoked. You MUST be stoked to do a good show! However, a friend gave some encouraging words and I went on. The show was still pretty good, but the audience was small, and we love to feed off the audience. Nevertheless, we got them going.

I came out of the show tired, full of joy, excited, and pleased! Only a show can flip your mood like that. PJ came to watch so after that, we went to Subway! He bought! I was even more pleased! We had a really good chat about the show, and graduation and what not, and it made me think of how close we really are... Wow... anywho

I'm super stoked about tonight. I'm rather tired, but the crowd is going to be huge. I can't wait for my bows! There going to rock! I have the best bow, come and see it! You'll understand afterwards. Even if you don't, you'll still have got to see me bow! I figure afterwards I can hang with whoever comes to see me (which will most likely be nobody) or I'm going to the beach with the cast. We're going to have some good times on the beach...


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