//Friday, May 18, 2007

// Cwak!

Let's be honest with each other... Historymaker isn't in Kamloops this year... and it's nothing like it! I mean, seriously, do any of you even know where the stadium is? Or what it's called? Ladies and Gents, never fear, because I've put together a survival kit for Historymaker: Revolution!

1. That is where the main shindig is happenin'
2. Your closest Timmy's
3. DQ: for all your Blizzard needs... (I've seen one on Young Rd too while working... but that's farther away... but incase that one doesn't exhist, there is one on Young Rd!)
4. A&W: Once again, we can have Momma Burgers for breakfast
5. McDonalds: Everybody hates McDonalds...
6. If I do work Saturday, that's where you can come see me! Would be nice to see a friendly face! If you follow the tracks South, I can pretty much tell you everything around it! Superstore, Chevron, White Spot, you name it!

That's pretty much all you need to survive the weekend!


Blogger MattyRob said...

Oops... the maps a wee bit big... ah well, just save it to your comp and open it from there!

3:48 a.m.  

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