// The Down Part
Hey, you think sometimes I'm too serious for myself? Internet wise? Good question! I seem very intelectual or whatever you call it, but really, I'm just super crazy sometimes! Anyhoo, a weird tid-bit to kick off the post!
My incredible journey is coming to an end. After weeks and weeks and even months of no work, I will return sometime next week. The most depressing part is that if I stick with my job, I will never have this much free time for to myself ever again. Even if I get a new job, go back to school, you name it, this oppurtunity will never come again. I try and convince myself that I took advantage of this oppurtunity, but something tells me that I could have done more... but what?
I learned many things with my time off. First, and most importantly, is that time really does go by quickly. On Monday you are playing video games, only to realize it's Wednesday, and before you shower and figure out what you are going to wear for the day, it's Sunday. I guess what I'm trying to say is try and take advantage of the day, even though sleeping in is great and tv rocks and what not. Man, I read this and still I want to sleep in and watch TV! Many times when I was away and looked at the clock and thought to myself "Wow, I've already done so much today, and this time other days I've still been in bed!" Anyhoo, that's something I'll work on, taking advantage of my time. I say that, but come on, am I really? I hope so. Do it!
Another thing I learned is that there are many places to see. While driving to Calgary, and all around I realized that Canada is huge! The world is huge! Will I ever see it all? Traveling is definitly something I want to look into more.
What's another thing I learned... oh, photography is annoying. All summer I've been trying to get the perfect picture! It has been rather hard!
One more thing I learned is that you have to save your money, and budget better. I think I had only $1000 saved up coming into my operation, and I used it all to pay off credit cards. I continued living the life I've always had but with half pay, and that didn't work out all too well. So that is one thing I am as well going to work on; budgeting and saving.
With points from having no money, I really wanted to get involved with video editing more this summer, which I never did, because I had no money. I was really hoping I could build up my business a bit more and I never took any steps at all. So I am hoping to get involved with that a lot more now that I'll be getting more money.
I'm hoping to take some courses, mainly deeling with the following: business, video editing, cooking, photography, and history! Just something to keep my busy and expand my mind a bit more! A lot of those things I feel I need to learn if I want to really build my business, but stuff like cooking and history, are just for common knowledge, or something like that, I think. I always loved history in high school and I never took history 12 for some reason, so I'd like to look into that. Cooking... well I just need to learn how to cook a bit more.
It's funny how I have all these hope to do's and want to do's and need to do's all as I am going BACK TO WORK! I don't really work well with myself! Anyhoo, I'm hoping to improve myself over the next few months, because play time is over!
Damn! I forgot all about God stuff! Has it really been put on the back burner? Where'd the passion go? Or is there actually something telling me to do something, and I'm not listening? I sure don't know!
Sometimes, it seems as if you have life all planned out... guess that's not how it's meant to be!