//Tuesday, March 17, 2009

// The PS2 Tribute

Last night I sent my PlayStation 2 packing. For a grand total of 66 USD my PlayStation became a victim of eBay as there just wasn't enough room in the house for a PS2 and a PS3.

Yes, I have a PS3. Did you not know? Probably because of my lack of updating the www. Well here's the scoop. Nicole got me a PlayStation 3 for Christmas! Wow! It was super exciting! She even got my Guitar Heroes which I was extremely addicted to for a while until Fred got me Call of Duty: World at War. 3 Months later I am still hopelessly addicted to the game!

It turns out the PlayStation 3 can run PlayStation 2 games, so, why do I need a PS2? I don't! I realized I never really played many games on the PS2 except for NHL 2004. I don't know why I didn't get into it more but that is just how it seemed to be. I did save a couple of games such as NHL 2004, but also Worms World Party and The Sonic Collection.

The PS2 I believe was my biggest purchase as a highschooler. After realizing I would never earn the system through grades (because I was lazy!) I decided to save up for the thing myself! And I did! However I did deal with a few challenges with the system, for example, I didn't have any games for the system so a while! Finally, I ended up going down to Rogers Video and buying the cheapest game I could find, which was Grand Theft Auto III. Now the problems with this was I had no memory card, so I became extremely good and the beginning of the game because that was all I could play! Eventually I did get my memory card and life was good.

Another struggle was the system constantly being taken away from me by Charlene. She used to take my N64 away from me cos of my poor grades, but I purchased the PS2 with my own money! So, this upset me! You all probably think I worked hard to get my grades up and get back my PS2... Nope! Instead of working on my grades I thought of ways to retrieve my PS2! The best idea, which worked extremly well, was I purchased crappy no name brand controllers! See, she only took away my controllers so it was a wonderful plan! Other ideas involved taking the system to Matt Glynn's place so I could play it with him.

I think the last strugle ever for me to come across with the PS2 was when I purchased the wrong multi-tap and remote for it. You see, they came out with billions of different models so my model was completly outdated and didn't work with anythign! That sucked... Especially since I lost the reciept and couldn't take them back and they still roam around the house in their original box!

Alas, we said our goodbyes and a new era has come around... The PS3 era. I've probably played that thing more then I ever did my PS2! Okay, thats not true... I used to stay up until 2am playing NHL 2004 trying to win the cup!

Why do I have so much time to all of the suden post you say? Well, the day has come where I am now bored and have too much time off from work since I am still unemployed! Although, this is the first day in something like 4 weeks so I guess I can't complain. I do need to find something to do... the PS3 is going to make my head explode!