// Matt The Great
Ladies and gentleman, I declare myself depressed. I guess I already knew that but today ultimately proved it. I'm pretty sure all my activities today show all signs of being depressed. Lets walk you through my day.
I woke up at 11, showered and was ready for the day by 11:45. I had the day off work so I was going to do lots! I called ICBC to see if I could take my motorcycle Learners without bringing in my dad, but it turns out I need him with me. I think I'm going to go in for it on my birthday just like I did two years ago when I went in for my actual Learners.
So after I found out I could not do that I ate some chips and salsa. After that I fixed my train set and then lost all enthusiasm to continue working. So I got some cookie dough and watched that 70's show from 2 until 6. I eventually decided to cook the cookie dough just in case it makes me incredible ill. So I then went through 2 liters of juice, a bad of chips, jug of salsa, and half a batch of cookies.
All the live long day I laid on my couch. I don't think that is healthy...
Norman called and actually hearing a human being was nice so that was nice. Sarah came over and we had pizza and I vented. She tried to help but there is no help for me. She says I need a new batch of friends. I think this is true, ultimately connecting back with leaving the church.
Once school starts I think that leaving RPC might not be such a bad idea. I need to get out of this funk and I think starting over with school might be better. I could attend Jade's church... Its all good. We'll see, Cultus will help me determine my fate.
All day I've felt light headed, even when I woke up.
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